Sergey Zakharov

Who I am

I am a senior full-stack developer with more than twelve years of software development experience. I have developed, launched, and maintained a lot of public and in-house web projects and tools from scratch, both as a solo developer and as a part of a team. I've hired, educated, mentored, and managed developers. I have worked directly with clients, participated in every stage of a project — from idea to launch, — and have led cross-functional teams through development of complex projects.

I have varied work experience: a corporation, a research institute, an educational non-profit, a media outlet, a design agency, an ML-startup, various cultural and art institutions, and, lastly, a company that has millions of users and was #1 on the App Store and Google Play multiple times. I have authored and taught a web design and development course. I co-founded a compact web design and development studio.

Among my freelance works are a volunteer project providing information to people affected by the war in Ukraine* (2022), official websites for both Canadian and Russian pavilions at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition (2021), the website of the oldest cinema in Moscow (2021), e-flux's educational project , an in-browser 3D game for an art movie promo, type design workshop by Contrast Foundry, and a business program website which won Type Directors Club and awwwards.

I enjoy purposeful use of technologies, craftsmanship, and beauty. I value effectiveness, sustainability, and culture. I tend to think of a project as a whole and like to work across the stack, participating in the frontend and backend development, database and infrastructure management, as well as collaborating closely with clients, developers, designers, and other team members, making sure the project meets its purpose.

I speak English and Russian. I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Informatics and have taken online courses on algorithm design, functional programming, system design, and 3D web development.

I'm up for hire, project work, consulting, and collaboration

If you have a project or an idea you'd like to work with me on please send me an e-mail.




Statement on War

The war that Russia wages against Ukraine is a horrendous crime. Putin and his "government" are war criminals and genocidaires and should be treated accordingly. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and wounded, and millions displaced, because of their crimes. Support Ukraine.

Selected public projects

  • — a volunteer project with information for people affected by the war in Ukraine
  • Type Design Workshop by Contrast Foundry
  • A website for an industrial design studio
  • AKFMO — a website of the Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow
  • Lepota — a 3D in-browser game about a snowy desert of Russian culture
  • Impostor Cities — a website for the Canada Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia
  • Khudozhestvenny Cinema — a website of the oldest cinema in Moscow
  • Automatic Writing — a website for a semester-long exploration of the relationship between language, media, and design
  • Summa Technologiae — a website for a pedagogical investigation based on the work of Stanisław Lem
  • Ornamika⋅Live — a website for an online exhibition in which a huge robotic arm draws Russia’s authentic ornaments 23/7
  • Bauhaus FLA — a website for a business program for design leaders. Awwwards winner
  • Electric Red — a website for a cool design studio
  • — a portfolio website for a multidisciplinary designer and art director Indgila Samad Ali
  • Tsentsiper — a minimalistic website for a prominent international design studio
  • In the City — an experimental website for the Strelka Institute’s conference on technology and urbanism
  • A portfolio website for a great designer and art director Tanya Ermolaeva
  • Criticism Online — a web page for a classic article of Sheila de Bretteville, as a part of an experimental slow media on design and critical theory.
  • Performance BBE — a website for an online typography festival’s performance by Dmitry Rodionov and Pokras Lampas
  • Khudozhestvenny Cinema Opening — a teaser website for the upcoming opening of the oldest cinema in Moscow
  • Architects RF — a teaser website for an educational program
  • Soviet Architecture Guide — a website for a soviet modernist architecture guide by Strelka Mag
  • An interactive 3d intro for an educational website. No longer used.
  • Status — a project for the Russia Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia. The original website didn't survive but you can read more here.
  • Vector — a course in community organizing. Sadly, not available anymore.
  • Hong Kong — an infographic project for Strelka Mag. Sadly, not available anymore.
  • — a promotional website for the Grtsk variable font by Black Foundry. Stopped working because Yahoo killed its Weather API